Efforts by BEML Limited towards Self Reliance
BEML has been manufacturing Products through technology transfer and has undergone many transformations in order to remain competitive and grow, by developing the capability of the design know-why, and have systematically indigenised the products over the years.
Know-why developed in-house resulted in the capability to upgrade the products and development of new products. The Company has strengthened and established as a major player in a domain that is dominated by the MNCs.
`Make In India’ is a campaign launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister, to enable India achieve a significant growth in GDP and transform India to be a global economic power. The vision is to evolve and transform India into a powerful economy of the world. “Make In India” campaign of GoI is a giant step forward in this direction enabling indigenisation, to promote competiveness, capacity and capabilities of Indian manufacturing industry and is a big step to motivate companies, to acquire competitive edge through R&D initiatives and develop new and breakthrough technologies, and move towards the goal of “pushing the boundaries with innovation & technology and indigenisation”.
BEML is a highly diversified company operating in the manufacturing of Defence equipments, Mining & Construction equipments and Rail & Metro sectors and `Make In India’ is a big boost to us.
BEML competes with multi nationals and procure orders against tough competition with the product being one to one w r t competitor products. Over 71% of our business is on competition mode and 80% of our business is from our own in-house R&D developed products. BEML has exported its products to over 69 countries. R&D and Indigenisation therefore, have been the key to these factors and the Company has leveraged them in full.
The Innovative element in R&D products have been patented and till date 20 patents have been filed and six have been registered.

BEML R&D took birth in mid 70’s, with a mandate to design and develop new products and support indigenisation efforts.
A full fledged R&D center was established at Kolar Gold Fields during 80’s,with Structural Engineering and Power Line Laboratory, along with Fluid Power Laboratory, Material Science Laboratory and Design center with modern CAD/CAE tools. This R&D center has comprehensive range of facilities to promote New product design, including aggregate level design involving design of Transmissions, Axles, Hydraulics, and Electronics. R&D facilities are one of the best in the country and enable aggregate level and equipment level testing and evaluation through the extensive infrastructure available in the laboratories and test tracks.
Supporting Aatma Nirbharta
R&D infrastructure is also being used, as a national facility by other players in the M&C sector are accredited by NABL and is contributing towards overall development of M&C sector in the country. A team of more than 225 R&D engineers are working on design, development of new products, up-gradation of current products, and also on indigenisation of products manufactured under technology licensing agreements. R&D expenditure is to the tune of around 2.5% to 3% which is in line with the industry standard for the engineering industry.
R&D in Digitally enabled Environment:
BEML R&D is adopting the digital design and virtual validation approach with the aid of CAD and CAE tools for faster product development. Modern software tools like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) are fully leveraged for integration of R&D with customer voice capture & market needs, planning, purchase, production, tooling, quality and service functions. Seamless interface with manufacturing shops as well as suppliers is enabled thru PLM environment and ensures continuous exchange of data in digital form while ensuring best in class security and confidentiality of standards/specifications.
Tracing the path of BEML R&D over the years, many steps were taken to strengthen the knowledge and skill base of R&D engineers. This has been made possible by initially working with global technology partner & gradually absorbing the knowledge to Indigenise the products/aggregates in India. Most of the other products have been developed through in-house R&D efforts. Centers of Excellence have been established to update and upgrade the technical skills of the manpower.
Industry Academia interface:
BEML has also worked/working closely with academia like IIT’s and IISC to help improve the products in complex domains like torsion, vibrations, noise reduction etc. International consultants were engaged in developing certain high value products, where domain expertise was not available within the country
Customer Connect:
Quality function deployment for developing new products, and technologies and testing them in house and also at customer sites helped in understanding the complexities , overcoming field issues and products were perfected by upgrading them continuously.
Defence Business
BEML, under its Defence segment, offers High Mobility & Recovery Vehicles, Bridge Systems, Vehicles for Missile Projects, Tank Transportation Trailers, Milrail Wagons, Mine Ploughs, Crash Fire Tenders, Aircraft Towing Tractors and Aircraft Weapon Loading Trolley, BMP transmissions etc.
Indigenisation level is 100% in Pontoon Bridge System, Air craft towing tractor, Air Craft Weapon Loader, 50T Trailer, Wagons, BMP Transmission and Ejector Air Cleaner Assembly (EJ & AC) and over 80% indigenous capability achieved in respect of High Mobility Heavy Duty Trucks.
In house developed products include SMERCH 8×8, SMERCH 10×10 Vehicles – first ever Designed and Developed with additional steerable rear wheels, Arjun Armoured Repair Recovery Vehicle and 6/16 Truck Mounted Crane vehicle. Recent products offered through collaboration include the Track Width Mine Plough with indigenous content.

Mining & Construction Business
BEML Limited has a dominant presence in the mining machinery sector in the country with more than 50% of the countries coal production coming on the back of BEML manufactured machines. Major products are Crawler Dozers, Dumpers, Graders, Loaders, Excavators, Shovels, and support equipment like Water sprinklers, Tyre handlers, Pipe Layers, Wheel Dozers.
Extensive product range has more than 60 product models to cater to the complete needs of construction and mining sector. The indigenisation level achieved is over 90% in these products.
The unique contributions of BEML in the recent past include development of, state of the art products for mining sector like, BE1800E – 180 Ton biggest ever eco friendly electrical Excavator, BH150E – 150 Ton Dumper and BH205E – 205 Ton biggest ever electric drive dump trucks designed, developed and manufactured for the first time in India, which serves as import substitution and helps promote the cause of green mining and would save bulk, foreign exchange savings.

Rail & Metro Business
BEML is a premier, Metro car manufacturer in the country. BEML was the first Company in India to manufacture all Steel Integral Passenger Rail Coaches and other rolling stock to meet the requirements of Indian Railways. Based on the experience in Rail Products for over 50 years, BEML has ventured into manufacturing state of the art Stainless Steel Metro cars since 2002 onwards.
Till date more than 1200 metro cars have been manufactured and supplied to leading Metro corporations like DMRC, BMRC, Jaipur Metro and have bagged the order from Kolkata Metro also. Further BEML is also executing the order for M/s Hyundai Rotem as a subcontractor for driver less metro cars to Delhi metro.
Over the years, BEML through its continuous thrust and focus has indigenised Car body, Bogie and other aggregates which were typically sourced from MNCs. Further BEML has encouraged major aggregate manufacturers like M/s Melco, Faiveley Transport, Knorr Bremse, Bonatrans etc to establish facilities in India in our endeavour to moot “Make in India” and increase the indigenisation level in Metro manufacturing to over 65%.