About Us
Corporate Vigilance Vision
- Preventive over Punitive Actions
- To enforce meaningful, workable and objective Systems / Procedures to:
- Develop Trust and Transparency in all Transactions
- Prevent leakage of revenue
- Promote pride and self-esteem of the Organization
- Time bound action in all spheres of activities

Dr. Shapoo is a distinguished Indian Police Service (IPS) officer from the 1998 batch of the Madhya Pradesh cadre, renowned for his exemplary service and contributions to national security.
Dr. Shapoo has served in key leadership roles, including as Superintendent of Police in Bhind, Satna, Shivpuri, and Dewas districts of Madhya Pradesh. He was one of the pioneering officers to join the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in 2009, where he led the Investigation Branch and later headed the Intelligence and Operations Division as Deputy Inspector General. During his tenure, he supervised high-profile terrorism related investigations.
Dr. Shapoo rejoins after a stellar tenure in Madhya Pradesh, where he served as Inspector General of Law & Order, Inspector General of Anti-Naxal Operations, and most recently, Additional Director General of Special Armed Forces.
His illustrious career is marked by numerous accolades, including twice receiving the President’s Police Gallantry Medal, the highest honor for bravery in police service. Additionally, he was awarded the Police Medal for Meritorious Services and the Home Minister’s Meritorious Service Medal.
Dr. Shapoo holds a Ph.D. in Security Studies from Princeton University and a Master’s in International Affairs from Columbia University, specializing in Middle East and International Security Policy.
Complaint Policy Procedure
- BEML Limited does not entertain anonymous/pseudonymous complaints.
- Proper name, address and contact phone number(s)has to be provided while making a compliant.Otherwise, no action will be taken.
- The Complaints should have Vigilance Angle.
- The Complaints must be brief,specific and should contain factual details / verifiable facts.If possible,documentary evidence could also be furnished along with the complaints.
- All complaints relating to corruption, lack of integrity / fairness / transparency in dealing with BEML Limited (which necessarily have vigilance angle) have to be made in writing to –
- Chief Vigilance Officer, BEML Limited
- BEML Soudha, 23/1, 4th Main, SR Nagar, Bangalore – 560 027
- Fax No: 080-22963277
- Ph No: +91 80 22223066
- Complaints can also be lodged online on this portal through the Vigilance Complaint Form.
- The complaints will be acknowledged with a duly assigned number. Based on the merit of the complaints, further course of action will be taken as per the complaint policy.Nevertheless, the status of the complaints can be viewed at this portal through Complaint Status.
- No further complaint(s) / correspondence(s) shall be entertained on the same subject unless the complainant wishes to provide some fresh facts / evidences.
- Time Limit for conducting investigation of complaints is as per the Guidelines of CVC.
- In case it is found that the complaints were false and lodged with a view to harass the public servants, stern action may be taken against such complainants in accordance with the law of the land.
Whistle Blower Complaints
If a complainant while exposing a case of corruption wants his identity to be kept secret, he/she should lodge a complaint under Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers Resolution (PIDPIR) – popularly known as Whistle Blower Provision. The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) is mandated not only to maintain the secrecy of the complainant’s identity but also provide protection to the complainant against any physical threat, harassment or victimization.
Important Features of the “Whistle-Blowers” Resolution
- The CVC shall, as the Designated Agency (herein after referred to as the Commission), receive written complaints or disclosure on any allegation of corruption or of misuse of office by any employee of the Central Government or of any Corporation established under any Central Act, Government Companies, Societies or Local Authorities owned or controlled by the Central Government;
- The Commission will ascertain the identity of the complainant; if the complaint is anonymous, it shall not take any action in the matter;
- The identity of the complainant will not be revealed unless the complainant himself has made either the details of the complaint public or disclosed his identity to any other office or authority;
- While calling for further report/investigation, the Commission shall not disclose the identity of the informant and shall also request the head of the organization concerned to kept the identity of the informant a secret, if for any reason the identity is revealed;
- The Commission shall be authorized to call upon the CBI or the police authorities, as considered necessary, to render all assistance to complete the investigation pursuant to the complaint received;
- If any person is aggrieved by any action on the ground that he is being victimized due to the fact that he had filed a complaint or disclosure, he may file an application before the Commission seeking redressal in the matter, wherein the Commission may give suitable directions to the person or the authority concerned;
- If the Commission is of the opinion that either the complainant or the witnesses need protection, it shall issue appropriate directions to the government authorities concerned;
- In case the Commission finds the complaint to be motivated or vexatious, it shall be at liberty to take appropriate steps;
- The Commission shall not entertain or inquire into any disclosure in respect of which a format and public inquiry has been ordered under the Public Servants Inquiries Act, 1850 or a matter that has been referred for inquiry under the Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1952;
- In the event of the identity of the informant being disclosed in spite of the Commission’s directions to the contrary, the Commission is authorized to initiate appropriate action in accordance with the extant regulations against the person or agency making such a disclosure.
How to lodge a “Whistle Blower” Complaint?
- The complaint should be in a closed/secured envelope.
- The envelope should be addressed to Secretary, Central Vigilance Commission and should be superscribed “Complaint under The Public Interest Disclosure”. If the envelope is not superscribed and closed, it will not be possible for the Commission to protect the complainant under the above resolution and the complaint will be dealt with as per the normal complaint policy of the Commission.The complainant should give his/her name and address in the beginning or end of the complaint or in an attached letter.
- Commission will not entertain anonymous/pseudonymous complaints.
- The text of the complaint should be carefully drafted so as not to given any details or clue as to his/her identity. However, the details of the complaint should be specific and verifiable.
- In order to protect identity of the person, the Commission will not issue any acknowledgement and the whistle-blowers are advised not to enter into any further correspondence with the Commission in their own interest. The Commission assures that, subject to the facts of the case being verifiable, it will take the necessary action, as provided under the Government of India Resolution mentioned above. If any further clarification is required, the Commission will get in touch with the complainant.
HELP us FIGHT corruption Please feel free to Reach us :
- Every complaint, irrespective of its source, is entered in the Complaints Register and taken notice of. A complaint containing allegations against several officers may be treated as one complaint for the purpose of statistics.
- Entries of only those complaints in which there is an allegation of corruption or improper official misconduct or if the alleged facts prima facie indicate an element or potentiality of a vigilance angle (Vigilance Angle Office Order) is made in the register.
- Complaints having no vigilance angle like those which relate to purely administrative matters or technical lapses, such as late attendance, disobedience, insubordination, negligence, lack of supervision or operational or technical irregularities, etc. Is recorded separately under “non-vigilance complaints”, and forwarded to concerned departments.
- Anonymous / pseudonymous complaints will not be considered.
- In case it is found that the complaint was false / motivated and lodged with a view to harass the officials, suitable action will be taken against such complainant in accordance with the law.
- The complaint should be specific, brief and factual with verifiable details. It should be supported by documentary evidence wherever possible. Complaint with irrelevant, vague, absurd or generalized allegations will be disposed at the discretion of the Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO).
- The complainant should disclose his / her identity by giving name, address and contact phone / cell number, e-Mail ID.
- As per the Government of India’s resolution on “Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI)”, the identity of the complainant is kept secret and is protected from victimization for making such complaints.
- New User / Complainant should register by clicking the link provided below. Once registered, you are allowed to make the complaint by duly filling the fields displayed in the Complaint Form.
- After submitting your complaint, system generated unique number will be displayed. Please note down the same and you should use only this number, in future, to know the status pertaining to the complaint.
- BEML Vigilance department has full right to Accept / Dispose any complaint as per the CVC guidelines.
Review by BEML
Needful ACTION taken
Look forward to serving you better
Please send your Complaint details.
Status Check
Find the status of your Complaint
You can check the complaint status below, using the complaint reference number.
Integrity Pact
Integrity Pact with Vendors
IEM Details
Address of IEM as follows
Shri Kasividyasagar, IAS (Retd.)
House no 55, Dream valley gated community,
Manikonda, Hyderabad – 500 089, INDIA
Ph: +91 9771407778
Shri Lt. Gen. Abhay Krishna, (Retd.)
4A-902, Gurjinder Vihar,
AWHO Township, Sector CHI-1, Greater Noida, UP – 201 310, INDIA
Ph: +91 9811420440