HELP us FIGHT corruption
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• Every complaint, irrespective of its source, is entered in the Complaints Register and taken notice of. A complaint containing allegations against several officers may be treated as one complaint for the purpose of statistics.
• Entries of only those complaints in which there is an allegation of corruption or improper official misconduct or if the alleged facts prima facie indicate an element or potentiality of a vigilance angle (Vigilance Angle Office Order) is made in the register.
• Complaints having no vigilance angle like those which relate to purely administrative matters or technical lapses, such as late attendance, disobedience, insubordination, negligence, lack of supervision or operational or technical irregularities, etc. Is recorded separately under “non-vigilance complaints”, and forwarded to concerned departments.
• Anonymous / pseudonymous complaints will not be considered.
• In case it is found that the complaint was false / motivated and lodged with a view to harass the officials, suitable action will be taken against such complainant in accordance with the law.
• The complaint should be specific, brief and factual with verifiable details. It should be supported by documentary evidence wherever possible. Complaint with irrelevant, vague, absurd or generalized allegations will be disposed at the discretion of the Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO).
• The complainant should disclose his / her identity by giving name, address and contact phone / cell number, e-Mail ID.
• As per the Government of India’s resolution on “Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI)”, the identity of the complainant is kept secret and is protected from victimization for making such complaints.
• New User / Complainant should register by clicking the link provided below. Once registered, you are allowed to make the complaint by duly filling the fields displayed in the Complaint Form.
• After submitting your complaint, system generated unique number will be displayed. Please note down the same and you should use only this number, in future, to know the status pertaining to the complaint.
• BEML Vigilance department has full right to Accept / Dispose any complaint as per the CVC guidelines.
Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO),
BEML Limited.

Review by BEML
Needful ACTION taken
Look forward to serving you better
Please send your Complaint details.